Member of the Standing Committee of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou City Dai Jianping inspects Windey

Time:2020-07-14 11:11:19

On July 14, 2020, Dai Jianping, Member of the Standing Committee of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou City, Chen Rugen, Deputy Secretary of Yuhang District Party Committee and Chief Executive of Yuhang District, etc. visited Zhejiang Windey Co., Ltd., and investigated Windey's production and operation in the first half of the year. Xie Ping, Board Chairman and Party Secretary of the group, and Gao Ling, Party Secretary and General Manager of Windey, received the investigating group warmly.

Dai Jianping and his party went to the front line of workshops, understood the production and assembly of wind turbines on the site, and inquired the "jamming points" and "difficult points" in the collaboration of the upstream and downstream enterprises in the wind power industry. During the visit, Dai Jianping also listened to Gao Ling's report on enterprise management, market development, technological innovation, talent cultivation, etc.

Xie Ping expressed her gratitude to Dai Jianping and his party for their visit as well as to Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Hangzhou Municipal Government for their help and support to Zhejiang Machinery and Electrical Group and Windey all the time. She said that Windey would, with the concerns and support of Zhejiang Machinery and Electrical Group, led by technological innovation and guided by market demand, continuously strengthen technological R&D and innovation, optimize the industrial layout, and develop itself into a bench-marking enterprise in the new energy manufacturing industry of Zhejiang Province and even China.

After listening to the report carefully, Dai Jianping affirmed the achievements obtained by Windey in the recent years, and appreciated Windey as it overcame difficulties during the outbreak, focused on scientific research, quality, and market, and realized the steady increase of performance indicators. Meantime, he also encouraged Windey to continue to strengthen innovation, enhance product competitiveness constantly, seize market share quickly, and lead the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain around the wind power industry.